Monday, February 23, 2009

And Life Goes On...

I hope that those of you who happen upon this blog will allow me to indulge myself this morning. You see, Saturday I was given the joy of seeing my oldest grandchild get married. With all of the gloom and doom preached to us day in and day out by the media and our leaders, yesterday was a day of so many mixed emotions. see my little Jellybean looking so beautiful and so in love. see my son and his wife tearing, oh heck, crying as their oldest begins a new chapter in her life and she no longer will be the "little girl" she once was. see how wondrous God's plan is for all of us, how He has so wonderfully ordained marriage and provided for each of us that one special person to love and to cherish.
Life does not stand still and as each phase of our life passes we are all met with the trials, the struggles, and yes the joys. Yesterday was one of those joyous times, you know, the kind you hold inside and store so that during those times that aren't so joyous, you are able to bring to mind...and smile

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